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Planning Board Minutes 12/13/12
December 13, 2012 Planning Board Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Maggie Leonard; co-chair, Larry Klein, Barry Karson, Roger Tryon, Alan Salamon and Bridget Krans
Public Present: Mike Parsons of Kelly, Granger and Parsons, Ben (?) and Brian Domina of Berkshire Regional Planning.
Meeting called to order at 7:08
  • Mrs. Simms of Monterey wants to sell a parcel of her land on (lot #3) on Old Beartown Road. The lot is 4.924 acres. No members of the board had an issue with the form A. As a result of the lot that was created the board had to approve 4 lots. Mr. Salamon made a motion to accept the Form A, the members of the board unanimously agreed. The buyer inquired about a “turn around” that was present on the frontage. He questioned if it could be done away with. The board was unsure of this and directed him to Maynard Forbes. Mr. Parsons submitted the Form A and the appropriate fee of $40. Bridget put the check into the town accountant’s mail box.
  • Brian Domina of Berkshire Regional Planning was present to discuss the board’s current draft of a solar bylaw. Mr. Domina gave the board a few suggestions on the permitting format. Mr. Domina also continued the discussion with the board about the physical size of solar projects as well as amounts of electricity that would be produced. Mr. Klein expressed concern for the future. He felt that the bylaw may become antiquated as solar improves. Per the suggestion of Mr. Domina, small scale will be defined as 25 kw or one eighth of an acre or less. Maintenance plans were discussed. Mr. Klein pointed out that if a solar array is not maintained properly some serious safety issues can arise. Mr. Domina made a few more suggestions that the board is going to add into the next draft.
  • Flood insurance update: The board discussed what flood plans surrounding towns have. They also discussed the history of the Town of Monterey’s flood plan. Mr. Salamon called Wheeler and Taylor and confirmed that flood insurance is available. Since 1978 there have been 14 claims for a total of $239,000. Mr. Klein pointed out that private insurance companies do not cover floods that come from the ground up, however government insurance does. Mr. Salamon stated that we needed to find out why a bylaw is needed. Mr. Salamon is going to report to the Selectmen that we are looking into it.
  • Status of bylaw approval: When Ms. Leonard handed in the new bylaw to the town clerk to send onto the AG somehow the AG never received it. Now the AG is stating that the town meeting was never posted. No one seems to have a written documentation of the annual town meeting. The AG pointed out that this is not OK. The board is looking into what the next step should be.
  • Previous meeting minutes approved.
  • Mail opened: Great Barrington public hearing notice, Great Barrington Planning Board public hearing notice regarding the Housatonic mills. A project Native sign permit was approved.
  • Meeting adjourned at 9:26
Submitted by Bridget Krans